1. Horoscope and Timings

 a.     Does Horoscope help in reading the entire life?


Yes, it can help with an overall view. However, there are limitations posed by experience and knowledge of the horoscope reader.


b.    What are essential requirements for a horoscope to be created?


Accurate time of birth, date of birth and place of birth.


c.     What if I don’t have the time of birth but the date of birth and place of birth are accurate?


No. It will not be possible to prepare reliable horoscope and thus no reading can be done.


d.    What if my time of birth is likely to differ by about 10 minutes?


 Accuracy helps but a difference of 10-15 minutes can be corrected by the astrologer. It is important to highlight this when you provide your details. The final readings can be modified to predict accurate time.


e.     What if, I don’t have either time or date of birth?


Such individuals should put forth a specific query instead of going in for horoscope reading. The Query feature is available at No 5 under Services and will be activated shortly.   The horoscope than then be prepared from the time of raising the question which is a far more accurate method of prediction.


f.      Is it necessary to have accurate place of birth?


Ideally all these specifics matter. Higher accuracy of these details results in a more accurate horoscope and therefore a better outcome in terms of prediction and timing of event. However, it is not uncommon for minor variations regarding place as well as time to not make a material difference.


Whenever there is a doubt with regard to date, time or place, the same must be brought to the notice of astrologer so that suitable suggestions can be made in terms of rectification or normalization of the errors.

2. Whether "Destiny" is fixed?

a.     Is there any method to change course of life or avoid likely difficult time which is indicated by horoscope?


In my personal view, I believe that destiny and its events are best handled with acceptance and, therefore, I do not support or offer any such remedies or solutions. It is not uncommon under other schools of thought to offer alternates like gemstones, rituals and other actions to counter or alleviate certain situations as represented in the specific horoscope or due to general planetary positions.

Moreover, in my understanding, human destinies are interlinked and it is therefore beyond my logical understanding that one can course correct, influence or remedy what is scientifically occurring in terms of the zodiac and its impact on the human life.


b.    If we cannot change course of destiny, why do we need to know it?


Astrology is a divine science. Like every scientific study, it helps us to unpack and understand the human life cycle and its regulated events by studying the zodiac and celestial bodies in terms of their positions both at the time of birth and thereafter.


As stated by many learned scholars, life is like a “Play” where each person is assigned a role and is expected to perform his duty to the best of his ability and intention(Karma). What is in our control and where we should spend our effort is the intention and effort, not in trying to change the role or the course of the play which has been clearly designated or predestined.


The urge to know is an inborn, lifelong instinct for all human beings and is also part of our “destiny”. If the urge to learn and unpack the ever-curious lesson of fate vs free will is activated, you will be initiated to learn more about the pattern embedded in your horoscope and may seek an astrologer for help and guidance through this exercise of discovery. 


3. Planning in Life

a. Can I use the predictions to plan my life? 



Each individual has to establish and figure out a methodology that works the best for him. As shared above, my belief is that neither the event itself nor the outcome of any event can be altered. What can be controlled or altered is the approach one takes towards that event. This approach will again be very specific to the individual in terms of application of prior learnings, wisdom of others, the collective knowledge, emotional and circumstantial support, spiritual anchoring etc. However, I have been often surprised to find that the final outcome usually falls in line with the prediction itself.

As an example, if your child is not doing well in academics; you may be able to adjust your focus and instead of all your efforts towards additional coaching or pushing the child towards more hardwork you may open your window of thinking towards looking for hidden strengths or talents the child may have. Circumstances will push you towards that direction and acceptance is easier when you know that astrologically the end outcome is positive for the child’s academic future or vice versa.

My astrological focus is towards directing your lens towards aspects of your horoscope that will help declutter your attention and help you concentrate on continued good karma.


b.    I want to send my son abroad. Can prediction help it?


Whether your child will live or study away from the homeland is pre-destined. Good predictive techniques will indicate them. There is always a chance of failure in predictions like in every scientific technique.

To enable a more accurate prediction, there are two possible ways -

a.     The traditional method of reading horoscope can indicate as to what exactly is stored for the child and what is the likely time to fructify such event.

b.     Using the Prashana/ Query method -  Raise a specific question and the astrologer can predict an outcome.


Since education of child is a process that stretches over a period of time, it is recommended to use both the above methods. 



c.    I am seeking proactive treatment from an expert. Can I know the area of body which needs special attention? OR my Doctor is unable to locate my disease. Can Astrology help?

The Astrological charts throw the information of week areas of body Or even disease. This helps in taking pro-active action and follow cautious approach.



4. Discounts

Can I get any discount on AstroPromise?


There is no discount on any service. 


5. Understanding services

a.     What is meant by specific query?


Even after “Detailed predictions” it is possible that certain queries will come up. This is very common and also important since circumstances of life keep evolving. For this purpose, a member can give reference of his old registration number and make a new query related to his/her horoscope.



b.    What is Family consultation?


Certain individuals seek long and detailed discussions to understand the horoscope, seek clarifications or unpack additional details. In these circumstances, the astrological discussion can often extend to other members of the family friends and individuals who are interlinked. Ultimately, human destinies are intertwined and interdependent and this is an important part of a thorough consultation service.

For this type of detailed and specific consultation, the service offered is approx. 3 hours of detailed conversation. Usually this would cover the horoscope reading of 3 (max) other members/associates and a discussion through any preferred mode of communication by the member. (facetime/whatsapp/skype)


6. Others

a.     Can I use Mahurat to plan outcome of the event?


Mahurat is generally used to identify whether the time is favorable or not. However, since my view is that all events of life are inter-linked and controlled by divine force, I do not believe that using a mahurat to plan an event will change the final outcome.

Many individuals do consult astrologers for suggesting favorable timing for initiating an event. It is entirely an individual choice, but it is important to understand that adjusting time of an event does not guarantee any kind of an outcome. It has not been established that all events planned per mahurat are successful or vice versa, if this approach is not followed.

If in the larger scheme of things, the event and situation is expected to be positive then the mahurat will naturally fall under auspicious and positive timing.


b.    Should I use numerology for selecting certain dates/ car numbers/ house numbers?


As stated in other such questions, this is largely an individual choice. Numbers and dates can be used to infer or signify success or failure of events in an individual’s life journey, but it does not mean that we can select favorable dates to influence outcomes differently.

Numerology is also another tool that can be used along with astrology and other similar studies to help understand yourself and your unique life path better and as a result become equipped to harmonize your own approach towards both positive and challenging situations.

7. Horary Astrology

a.        What is horary astrology (Prashna Jyotish)?

     Horary Astrology is a unique way of providing astrological predictions on any subject from event horoscope. It is based on a chart that deals with  specific questions. In vedic astrology, predictions are based on the accuracy of a horoscope. The precise time, date and place of birth are therefore, fundamental pillars of its foundation. Unless the window of time of birth is extremely small, it is advisable to not seek astrological predictions. However, Horary astrology, which is another branch of astrology can help in such situations ie where you do not have precise time of birth. In this discipline, the astrologer uses the time of the question to construct the horoscope and make predictions. In a way, you can consider, the query as the event that takes birth in your mind. The horoscope, so prepared, will therefore, answer the query. 


b.          Is it part of Vedic science or any offshoot?     

     I seriously doubt, if it is part of Vedas. It is of course, an off shoot of vedic science on astrology. A few famous classical works in this area are Varahamihira’s Daivqna Vallabha, the Sbatpanchasika of Prithuyashas (Varahamihira’s son), Prashna Marga, a detailed and complex work authored by an anonymous jyotishi, and Neelakantha’s famous Tajika work Prashna Tantra. Looking at the fact that Varahamihira is the first known vedic astrologer who used Brihat Parashar Hora, it can be presumed that the genesis of both the sciences are connected. Moreover, both use the same birth chart as the basis of interpretation which confirms its connection to Vedic astrology.


c.           What is its connection with Tajik astrology?   

      Tajik astrology is the perfect example of evolution of astrology outside boundaries of India as this system was developed in Arab/Persian world.  In 16th  century, an Indian scholar Neelkantha, translated this system from Arabic/Persian to Sanskrit in his text "Tajika Neelakanthi". The Tajika Jyotish attempts to predict in detail the likely happenings in one year of an individual’s life. On account of its yearly predictions, this system  is also called the varṣaphala system. The term varshaphala means “the outcome for one year” in the life of native.

     In Prasna Shastra, the yoga formation between the Lagnesha (Ascendant lord)  and the Karyesha (lord of Karya Bhava) is of paramount importance  Here the principles followed are borrowed from the Tajik astrology.


d          How accurate is the Horary astrology?

      This question is similar to a general query about predictions of Astrology. If you think, native astrology is an accurate method of predictions, then it is  easier to accept Horary (Prashana) astrology.

      However, someone has no faith in the system, the question loses its relevance.


e.         Can I test Horary astrology?

      It will fail, if you don’t have faith AND conversely, if you trust it and if the astrologer is experienced, perhaps you will get a very accurate response.


f.         How the accuracy can be assured/improved?

    The natal astrology gives the promise of event and its dasha system gives the timings of event. Thus if both the charts are seen simultaneously, the accuracy of system is higher as both will respond in the same direction. Sometimes astrologer also prepare Arudha lagna by seeking a random number. By this method, we get the third method of reaching at the answer to a query. Thus, the response can further be confirmed.


g.      What type of questions can be asked in Horary astrology?

      For best and most accurate results, the questions should be framed in a manner so that the answer is either YES or NO. This is the right way of seeking perfect answer. Eg if someone wants to seek question on marriage, the question may be framed in the following manner.

         Shall I get marry?...... Ambiguous question

         Shall I get married in the year 2018?..... Example of question giving answer “Yes” OR “No”


h.          Are there any other conditions for seeking questions?    

         Yes. There are. Following principles are laid down in this process.

                 i.     Question should be asked with honest intension of seeking response & it has to be either your question or connected to your heart

                 ii.     Ask question only if it comes to your mind.

                 iii.     Try and frame the question so that it may elicit response “Yes” or “No”

                 iv.     When you are choosing a random number, do not choose the number that you may like (or you consider number to be lucky) but try and choose a random number.


k. How do I take advantage of free services on Horary Astrology        


          Go on the contact page. Fill the form on rightside of screen & in message box, give the following details

                              1.      Write question in a form that the answer is Yes or No

                              2.      Write time, date and place…….. when you are writing the question. (try to give precise city, state and country to describe place).

                              3.      Choose a random number from 1 to 249

                              4.      Choose a random number from 1 to 108

                                 5.      Give your time, date and place of your birth(try to give precise city, state and country to describe place).[Ignore, if you are not sure]


8. Payments

       a.     Which currency I can use to make payment?


The system is designed for USD. However, you can use credit card of any country to make payment. It will convert your currency to USD at the prevailing rate. In case you want to pay (In Rs) online in India, you may transfer online funds in my Savings bank  account 629701511115 with IFCI code ICIC0001640( equivalent to cost in dollar on that day) and may inform by email to astropromise@gmail.com. The process of report preparation will begin soon after receipt of email informing payment of money in the account.


b.    What I need to do, if I face certain issues in making payment?


Ideally, you will not face any issue as the system uses PayPal platform and accepts payment through PayPal or Credit/ Debit cards of major companies. However, in case you face any problem, please write to astropromise@gmail.com